
Associated researcher

Marie-Joséphine Kadjo

Marie-Joséphine Kadjo

LL.M. Student

Marie-Joséphine Kadjo holds a Master's degree in Law with a thesis from Université Laval, completed under the supervision of Professor Richard Ouellet. She is currently a Research Associate at the Research Chair on the New Challenges of Economic Globalization (NEME) and a member of the Interdisciplinary Research Center on Africa and the Middle East (CIRAM). She is now an Industrial Development Advisor at the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, and Energy of Quebec.

In May 2024, Marie-Joséphine was honored with the Best Oral Presentation Award at the Chair’s annual conference. She is an intern at the Permanent Mission of Côte d'Ivoire to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva from September to December 2024.

Alongside her studies, Marie-Joséphine participated in several international simulations, including the prestigious Model United Nations (MUN) in New York. She also contributed as a consultant to the World Bank's "Women, Business and the Law 2024" report.

Her research focuses on international economic law, with a particular emphasis on trade in developing countries, the agricultural market, and global food security.

Laurie Durel

Laurie Durel

LL.D. Candidate

Laurie Durel is a LL.D. candidate at the Graduate School of International Studies at Laval University. Her research focuses on the connection between international trade and the environment, particularly concerning the interaction between the rules of the World Trade Organization and border carbon adjustment measures.

Laurie serves as a research assistant at the Canada Research Chair in International Political Economy and is a doctoral fellow of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) (J.A. Bombardier Scholarship). Before starting her Ph.D., she held various positions within the Quebec public administration.

Laurence Marquis

Laurence Marquis

Assistant Professor

Laurence Marquis is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Sherbrooke, specializing in dispute prevention and resolution.

With a dual Ph.D. in Political Science and Law from LUISS University and Université Laval, she also holds a master's degree from the University of Paris1-Sorbonne and an LLB from the University of Montreal. She is a member of the Barreau du Québec and the Paris Bar.

Her research focuses on dispute prevention and resolution at both the national and international levels, including free trade agreements, the impact of the European Union's trade and investment policies, international commercial arbitration and investor-state disputes, as well as international negotiations of trade agreements.

Her doctoral research centered on the reform of investor-state dispute settlement by the European Union and the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, through a comparative analysis of the ethics of arbitrators, as a recipient of a Marie Sklodowska Curie fellowship from the European Union.

As a specialist in international arbitration, Laurence Marquis worked with Hon. L. Yves Fortier as Secretary to various tribunals in international commercial arbitrations, investor-state disputes, and sports arbitrations. She also represented Canada in investor-state arbitrations under Chapter 11 of NAFTA, advised negotiation teams on investment promotion and protection agreements, and free trade agreements as a lawyer for the International Trade Law Division at Global Affairs Canada. Additionally, she serves as an Assistant Counsel at the Secretariat of the International Chamber of Commerce Court of Arbitration in Paris.

Professor Marquis was appointed by the Government of Quebec to the list of individuals eligible to act as members of a special group for the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) (2019 - 2024). She has been part of the Women Arbitrators Mentoring Program at the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport since 2021 and is on the list of arbitrators of the Canadian Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce.

Nguyen Ngoc Ha

Ngoc Ha Nguyen

Associate Professor

NGUYEN Ngoc Ha is an associate professor in international economic law at the Faculty of Law of the Foreign Trade University (FTU) in Hanoi, Vietnam. He is the director of the research project on "Legal Aspects of Trade and Sustainable Development in accordance with Agenda 2030 and Lessons for Vietnam," funded by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development of Vietnam (NAFOSTED). He is also a member of the NAFOSTED Law Committee for the period 2022-2024.

His teaching and research focus on the law of the World Trade Organization, international trade dispute resolution, free trade agreements, and those of the new generation. He has authored several presentations, articles, and books. His current research projects particularly concentrate on the link between trade and non-trade issues (such as environment, labor, sustainable development, etc.) at both multilateral and regional levels. He has been involved in organizing several international and national conferences on international economic law and regional economic integration.

He serves as a national consultant for around ten projects, supported by the World Bank, the Delegation of the European Union to Vietnam, USAID, etc., addressing the assessment of Vietnam's national law compatibility with its commitments in the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Free Trade Agreement between the European Union and Vietnam. These projects also focus on the implementation of commitments, especially those related to the environment and labor, in various agreements.

NGUYEN Ngoc Ha has supervised around thirty master's students and serves as a visiting professor in some French master's programs located in Vietnam.

Laura Létourneau-Tremblay

Laura Létourneau-Tremblay

Assistant Professor

Laura Létourneau Tremblay is an assistant professor at the department of law of Inland School of Business and Social Sciences (Norway). She has a doctoral degree in law from the University of Oslo/Pluricourts (Norway). In her doctoral research, she focused on how investment treaty tribunals have dealt with environmental concerns in investor-state disputes. She also holds a master’s degree in public international law from the University of Oslo and an LLB from Université Laval (Canada). She also is a research fellow associated with the Earth System Governance network and the Department of Public and International Law of the University of Oslo.

Her research focuses on international investment law, compliance with investor-state disputes and reforms of the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS). She is particularly interested in the interactions between international investment law and environmental and climate change policy making, and on innovative and critical perspectives for analyzing international investment law.